Gas Sonic Velocity Calculator is an essential calculator for tracking and calculating the sonic velocity of a specified gas flowing in a pipe.
This calculator for every process and chemical engineers, is effective for tracking and calculating the sonic velocity of a specified gas flowing in a pipe. This useful calculator comprises a small database containing 51 gases and their specific heat ratio along with their molecular weights for quick reference. This calculator supports features like: the calculator requires only the Temperature input to calculate the sonic velocity, and the Temperature can be specified in - Degrees Celsius ('C), Degrees Fahrenheit ('F), Degrees Rankine ('R), and Degrees Kelvin ('K); You can choose 'Other' from the selection box and enter your own Specific heats ratio or alternatively enter the Specific heat ratio at constant volume and Specific heat ratio at constant pressure.
You get calculated sonic velocity in pipe (speed of sound) output displayed in 5 different units.